Our Company - WorkForce21 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping client customers -- employers and employees alike -- find better ways of developing job access, screening, pre- and post-employment training. We also develop retention based strategies, specifically surrounding child care and transportation.

We are affiliated with Workforce Centers of America, Inc., our nonprofit parent corporation.

With over 35 years experience in developing public/private partnerships for employment and training initiatives, WorkForce21 is well prepared to take on the new challenges facing the business world as a result of changing labor market dynamics.
Our Services - At WorkForce21, we offer our customers customized program design and implementation services surrounding any or all of what you may need. Our service matrix includes: specialized outreach and recruitment, assessment, pre- and post-employment training, transportation and other support services including child care, job coaching and mentoring. Consulting and direct services that bring workforce partners and clients together for success!
Our Promise - WorkForce21 delivers only the very best results backed up by a proven track record and our unconditional guarantee. If you want to simplify the maze of alternative recruitment and support programs in a most cost effective way, with no downside risk and unlimited upside potential, give us a call!
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You envision your workforce goals...we help you achieve them!
Unemployment Initial (UI) Claims: 372,000 as of December 29, 2012
Unemployment Rate: 7.7% in November 2012
Consumer Price Index (CPI): +0.1% in October 2012
Payroll Employment: +146,000(p) in November 2012
Average Hourly Earnings: +$0.04(p) in November 2012
Producer Price Index: -0.8%(p) in November 2012
  (p) preliminary; (c) corrected
Latest National Workforce Numbers (at a glance)
Tampa Bay Times: "Part-time workers have trouble finding enough hours" published 12/04/2012 [Click for Story Here] - Tampa Bay Times: "Full-time jobs hard to come by" published 12/09/2012 [Click for Story Here]
Report Summary
Report Summary


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Employment Outlook
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Key Workforce News Headlines
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It is the mission of WorkForce21, as stated in its Articles of Incorporation, to "operate exclusively for charitable purposes and provide social, community and community-based economic development programs to assist individuals and families, the elderly, those with disabilities, ex-offenders and ex-substance abusers and others with significant barriers to employment achieve economic success and greater independence of living". The corporation is charged with the responsibility to "develop economic development and vocational preparedness training programs, including needed support services to be based upon the provision, maintenance and operation of such on a non-profit basis." "The purposes for which the corporation is organized and for which it shall exist are to be exclusively charitable in nature within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code." Specifically, in response to these overall goals, it is the mission of WF21 to:
The various planned functions of the organization will be implemented by personnel to be hired or organizations engaged by the corporation. These include workforce consultants, and specialty organizations in the areas of low income employment program recruitment, intake, assessment, pre-employment and/or business development counseling, life skills training and counseling, job coaching, mentoring, employment related transportation and/or day care services and related property and/or business development.

(Submitted as Addendum to IRS Application Form 1023 [Rev. 9-98] "Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code");
Provide educational and vocational training and guidance to non-skilled or low-skilled persons who have multiple barriers to employment or are unable to find employment due to inadequate education, or create a non-profit subsidiary of this corporation for the same purpose (51%);
Develop new programs and curricula to serve low income populations and families in their quest for economic self-sufficiency, including career counseling, job matching, job readiness, life skills education and/or entreprenueral skills training (10%);
Develop, provide or broker support services and programs to help low income populations and families succeed in, retain and advance in employment and microenterprise development, in the form of counseling, job coaching, mentoring, employment related transportation and day care services and other types of training and support services as are understood to be needed by such individuals and families (30%);
Construct, operate, maintain, improve, buy, own, sell, convey, assign, mortgage or lease any real property or other personal property necessary to provide such services or indent to the acquisition, ownership, maintenance or operation of low income employment, training or support services and/or the development of low income housing and other social and community facilities, programs and services which shall improve the quality of life and economic development of residents and communities identified in its strategic and business service plan (5%);
Solicit, accept and receive grants, contributions and bequests of real and personal property for the use and benefit of developing such aforementioned programs and services (1%);
Hold, invest, reinvest and expend such funds and property received for such purposes (1%);
Borrow money and issue evidences of indebitness in furtherance of any or all of the objects of its business (1%);
Make distributions for charitable purposes, including such purposes as described above, to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, as amended (1%).
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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
© 2000-2016 Workforce21.net All rights reserved
Outreach and Recruitment
Pre-Employment Training
Post-Employment Training
Retention-Based Support Services

Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
© 2000-2016 Workforce21.net All rights reserved
Assessment of current resources, contract service provider.
Brokering and improved performance (increased utilization and retention) with Work Opportunity Tax Credits, Welfare to Work Tax Credits, various state tax credits.
Direct processing of tax credits at rates less than 15% of credit value!
Daily Employee Tracking and Follow-Up
Crisis Intervention
Employee Assistance Program Design and Management
TEA-21 Transportation Demand Management Programming and Employer Tax Credits
"Reverse Commute" System Design; Integration with Transportation Management Associations (TMA's) and other transportation resources
Operating and Capital Cost Offsets
Overall or targeted client assessment of current strategies and needs.
On-the-Job Training, skill enhancement and planned upward mobility programming designed and implemented to specification.
Integration with existing programs provided by employers.
Networking with approved vendors and sources of candidates trained in basic pre-employment skill areas as life skills, GED, ABE, ESL and various basic employment-focused programs.
Customized program design based on specific client needs and company policies.
Analysis of current systems/instruments for effect and utility.
Recommended strategies and validated tools for improved performance.
Evaluation of current productive/unproductive sources based on historical production. Networking with successful sources with proven track records on an individual neighborhood basis county-by-county and state-by state.
Efficiencies through larger participation in recruitment cooperatives.
Use of community-based recruitment techniques with proven results.
Overall or targeted client assessment of current strategies and needs. We work with our partners to identify patterns of turnover, costly excessive overtime and vendor agency staffing.
Design of a customized plan to address goals, including configuration of resources from government, foundations, community-based and faith-based organizations, all with established track records to deliver for you. We look for brokering resources others miss.
Management of all contract service partners. We make it easy and worry-free to work with diverse and community-based partners.
Problem solving management as programs develop to guarantee results.
Child Care
Job Coaching
Case Management
Tax Credit Services
General Workforce Programming
We will keep client information and records confidential and not use proprietary information without client approval.
We will serve our clients with integrity, competence and objectivity.
We will keep client information and records confidential and not use proprietary information without client approval.
We will accept only engagements for which we are qualified by our experience and competence.
We will assign staff to client engagements in accord with their experience, knowledge and expertise.
We will acknowledge any influences on our objectivity and will withdraw from an engagement when our objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
We will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with the services we deliver and responsibility we accept.
We will respect the intellectual property rights of our clients.
Client Services Assurances
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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
© 2000-2016 Workforce21.net All rights reserved
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Most viewed publications (click to link to each):
The U.S. DoL ETA Home Page. Includes sections for business and industry, workforce professionals, grants, a portal to the WIA One Stop career system, Job Corps, Jobs for Veterans, My Skills, My Future, My Next Move, benefits.gov, the Worker Reemplyment Project, WIA contacts and national WIB database. (Select Fall 2012 links below)
Workforce Development - Client Technical Assistance
Workforce Policy Briefs of Interest
U.S. DoL ETA Foreign Labor Certification Page. Includes all forms for foreign labor certification, current foreign labor performance reports and current news updates on waivers and extensions.
Workpermit's Workpermits H-1B Visa TA Page. Includes links on all other types of work permits and visas accepted in the U.S. as well as rules for employers in the U.S. and the world.
WorkForce21 Development Series Publication CareerWorks Model
WorkForce21 Development Series Publication Health Support Specialist Curriculum
WorkForce21 Development Series Publication Report on Outcome Metrics: LTC Apprenticeship Programs
"Putting Welfare Reform to Work", AHCA Provider Magazine, October, 2000, Michael D. Van Stine
Employee Transportation
Child Care
Health Care/Eldercare
2009 Nursing Facility Staff Retention and Turnover Survey, American Health Care Association, 2011
Pennsylvania's Frontline Workers in Long-Term Care: The Provider Organization Perspective, Executive, Executive Summary, prepared by the Polisher Research Institute at the Philadelphia Geriatric Center, describes the results of 900 interviews with administrators of long-term care provider organizations. The full report is available here.
In Their Own Words -- Pennsylvania's Frontline Workers in Long-Term Care, prepared by Dostalik ET AL, reports on the results of 15 focus groups with direct-care workers across the state. The reports outline various concerns of direct-care workers and administrators of long-term care. Some of these issues include workplace environment, training, benefits, regulations and enforcement, wages, and society's perceptions. The reports also describe the extent and nature of recruitment and retention issues; a review of professional literature; and how other states have addressed this problem.
Issue Brief: Workforce Shortage, Lutheran Services, 2005
Regional Workforce Partnership past released Workforce 2001 an extensive study of the Philadelphia region's workforce composition. RWP no longer active; older data. However, excellent format for other regions to follow.
"Creating Subsidized Employment Opportunities for Low-Income Parents: The Legacy of the TANF Emergency Fund" LaDonna Pavetti, CBPP, Liz Schott, CBPP, Elizabeth Lower-Basch, CLASP, 2011
"Jobs for Welfare Recipients" W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Employment Research Timothy J. Bartik, 1997
"Job Creation Tax Credits and Job Growth: Whether, When, and Where?" Working Paper 2010-25, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2010
"Broke But Not Deadbeat: Reconnecting Low Income Fathers and Children" (August 1999) Understanding the barriers that low-income fathers encounter, examples of program models and an evaluation of the Parents' Fair Share Demostration.
The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement Home Page Links directly to state systems, quarterly updates, news and a host of related and relevant links.
National Center on Fathers and Families, U of PA - A Best Site! Note their "FatherLit Database", BAyFIDS and Fatherhood Indicators Framework Project!
Updated Section Coming Soon!
Organizational Change
Renewal & Crisis Management is an organization dedicated to all areas of Corporate Renewal and Remediation.
Summary of Key Points: "The Spirit to Serve - Marriott's Way" (1997) by J.W. (Bill) Marriott, Jr. and Kathi Ann Brown, HarperBusiness, HarperCollins.

Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
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Workforce21 Briefs and Articles
NEW! 2012 HHS Poverty Guidelines - Poverty Guidelines are issued each year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The guidelines are a simplification of the poverty thresholds for use for administrative purposes - for instance, determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs. Includes full text of the Federal Register notice with the 2012 poverty quidelines.
NEW! 2012 DOL LLSIL Guidelines - Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) guidelines are issued each year by the U.S. Department of Labor. The guidelines are a standardization of low-income thresholds for use for various administrative purposes and social service planning/evaluation.
NEW! BLS National Compensation Survey (2012 - most recent) Charts and graphs data on occupational wages for localities, broad qeographic regions, and the nation. Includes data on employee benefits in the U.S.; Employment Cost Index (ECI); Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC); and current NCS News releases.
NEW! BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook (2010-2020) Projects top 20 growth occupations in detail a/o May 29,2012
NEW! The 30 Occupations with the Largest Projected Growth (2010-2020) Projects top 30 growth occupations in a snapshot a/o February 1,2012
U.S. Department of Labor National E&T Best Practices and Educational Tools Clearinghouse
The National Workforce Association
The National Association of Workforce Boards
The National Governors Association
The Urban Institute
Center for Law and Social Policy
The American Health Care Association
The National Association of Home Care & Hospice
Leading Age: The National Non-Profit HC Association
Institute for Caregiver Education
The National Council on Aging
American Society on Aging
Goodwill of Southern NJ/Quaker City
National Association of State Workforce Agencies
QE Foundation

WorkForce21, its parent Workforce Centers of America Inc. and/or Workforce Endeavors, LLC, to not specifically endorse any of the positions or services offered by companion or affiliate organizations. We offer this list as direction to those sites that we see as most helpful to clients based on concise and useful workforce related information.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding referral organizations.

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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
The American Health Care Association
Leading Edge (formerly AAHSA)
Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities
Delaware Health Care Facilities Association
Leading Edge PA (formerly PANPHA)
Missouri Health Care Association
Nebraska Health Care Association
Health Care Association of New Jersey
New York State Health Facilities Association
Geriatric & Medical Companies, Inc.
Genesis Health Care Corporation (formerly Genesis Health Ventures)
Golden Living (formerly Beverly Healthcare)
National Workforce Association (as an advisory board member)
Health1st Home Care Services
SpectraCare Home Care Services
Community Care & Development Corporation
Mohawk Community Investments
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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021

Michael D. Van Stine, Chairman
Manuel Nunez, Member
Rita Adeniran, Member
Grace Egan, Member
George Ricci, Member
Manuel Nunez, Vice President and CFO/CIO
Fran Clark, RN, Director, Educational Services
Elizabeth Kuptas-Badurina, Office Manager
Click on Staff Name for Profile
Board Members
Staff Members
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You can also call or FAX us at our inquiry hotline  (856) 401-0424 or send an e-mail to: mail@workforce21.net or write to:

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Suite E
Lindenwold, NJ 08021

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Contact Us - Phone/FAX: (856) 401-0424 or E-Mail mail@workforce21.net or write: 777 Blackwood Clementon Road Suite E Laurel Springs, NJ. 08021
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US economy adds 146K jobs, rate falls to 7.7 pct. US economy adds 146K jobs; jobless rate falls to 4-year low of 7.7 percent; Sandy minor factor [Click for Story Here] - George Ricci, President of QE Foundation, Inc.,Joins Workforce Centers of America, Inc. Board of Directors
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