It is the mission of WorkForce21, as stated in its Articles of Incorporation, to "operate exclusively for charitable purposes and provide social, community and community-based economic development programs to assist individuals and families, the elderly, those with disabilities, ex-offenders and ex-substance abusers and others with significant barriers to employment achieve economic success and greater independence of living". The corporation is charged with the responsibility to "develop economic development and vocational preparedness training programs, including needed support services to be based upon the provision, maintenance and operation of such on a non-profit basis." "The purposes for which the corporation is organized and for which it shall exist are to be exclusively charitable in nature within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code." Specifically, in response to these overall goals, it is the mission of WF21 to:
The various planned functions of the organization will be implemented by personnel to be hired or organizations engaged by the corporation. These include workforce consultants, and specialty organizations in the areas of low income employment program recruitment, intake, assessment, pre-employment and/or business development counseling, life skills training and counseling, job coaching, mentoring, employment related transportation and/or day care services and related property and/or business development.
(Submitted as Addendum to IRS Application Form 1023 [Rev. 9-98] "Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code");
Provide educational and vocational training and guidance to non-skilled or low-skilled persons who have multiple barriers to employment or are unable to find employment due to inadequate education, or create a non-profit subsidiary of this corporation for the same purpose (51%);
Develop new programs and curricula to serve low income populations and families in their quest for economic self-sufficiency, including career counseling, job matching, job readiness, life skills education and/or entreprenueral skills training (10%);
Develop, provide or broker support services and programs to help low income populations and families succeed in, retain and advance in employment and microenterprise development, in the form of counseling, job coaching, mentoring, employment related transportation and day care services and other types of training and support services as are understood to be needed by such individuals and families (30%);
Construct, operate, maintain, improve, buy, own, sell, convey, assign, mortgage or lease any real property or other personal property necessary to provide such services or indent to the acquisition, ownership, maintenance or operation of low income employment, training or support services and/or the development of low income housing and other social and community facilities, programs and services which shall improve the quality of life and economic development of residents and communities identified in its strategic and business service plan (5%);
Solicit, accept and receive grants, contributions and bequests of real and personal property for the use and benefit of developing such aforementioned programs and services (1%);
Hold, invest, reinvest and expend such funds and property received for such purposes (1%);
Borrow money and issue evidences of indebitness in furtherance of any or all of the objects of its business (1%);
Make distributions for charitable purposes, including such purposes as described above, to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, as amended (1%).